
Growing Business Accountant and Bookkeeper

5 Reasons Your Startup Needs a Bookkeeper

As you grow from a small idea around a kitchen table to a robust business there are thousands of elements to handle in order to ensure the business doesn’t go bust. You have to have a great idea and raise the capital, scale the business appropriately, and make good decisions

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Annual CPA Support

10 Ways the Tax Law Changes Might Impact You

Earlier this month we were excited to attend the Tax Cut & Jobs Act Tax Reform Panel: New Rules and New Opportunities. This panel of experts from various Santa Barbara businesses presented an analysis of the new tax reform laws and how they might impact you and your business (see

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Montecito Mudslide Recovery

Recovering Your Business After Local Disasters

Rebuilding and recovering from the Thomas Fire and the Montecito Mudslide can seem like an insurmountable task.  We have tried to accumulate a list of resources for businesses that are picking back up. Here are some valuable resources for those on the Central Coast: WEV’s ‘Quick Response Loans’ – If a

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Business Accounting

What’s the Hardest Part of Being a Business Owner?

Being a business owner often means doing a little bit of everything for everyone (or a LOT bit of everything for everyone!).  It is hard to balance all the different component parts of your job.  Or, as Meichelle Arntz of Recipes Organic Bakery says in our earlier interview, being a

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Best Bookkeeping Firms

Get Ahead of The Advent of AI in Bookkeeping

Automated Intelligence (AI) has been a hot-button issue for the accounting and bookkeeping industry. The rapid increase in technology has led to fears that an increase in AI machine learning will effectively eliminate bookkeeper and accountancy positions.

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Best of Santa Barbara

Aqua Salon: A Business that takes Service Seriously

The door jingles as you walk into Aqua Skin and Nail Bar on Upper State Street in Santa Barbara, California. Without missing a beat, the exuberant manager of Aqua, Winston, sings out a welcome greeting. He knows the name and the desired service for every person who walks in the

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Support for Business Owners

Your Business Is Ready to Outsource Bookkeeping

Business owners, especially for new businesses and start-ups, have more going on than one human can handle. They also usually have a tight budget with minimal cash flow – for that reason business owners can be reluctant to take on new expenses (like bookkeepers or accountants). They think they aren’t

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Virtual Accountant

How to (Successfully) Work Remote

Remote work is quickly taking over as a norm in most office-job industries.  A recent Gallup poll found that 37% of respondents already work remote and that the numbers are rising every year.  Indeed, remote work seems to offer increased flexibility with the added benefit of increased productivity.

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End of Year Preparation

How to Count End of Year Inventory

We’re counting down to the holiday season and the excitement of New Year’s Eve.  For most of us, this means a chance to celebrate with friends and family!  For some of us, this also means its time to account for the end of year inventory.  This doesn’t sound as fun

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