Rebuilding and recovering from the Thomas Fire and the Montecito Mudslide can seem like an insurmountable task. We have tried to accumulate a list of resources for businesses that are picking back up.
Here are some valuable resources for those on the Central Coast:
- WEV’s ‘Quick Response Loans’ – If a business has been impacted by reduced sales or lost inventory due to the Thomas Fire or Mudslides, and could benefit from a cash flow boost of up to $10,000, contact WEV’s Loan Officer, Jaime Marks, at or (805) 232-3087 to discuss the process. Their goal is to have a decision within 24 hours of a completed application.
- Small Business Administration Loans – If a business has been impacted by recent natural disasters (including a turndown in business) they are eligible for low-interest, long-term disaster loans. Register online with FEMA at by March 15th and then apply to SBA by either a) using SBA’s secure webpage or b) in person at any Disaster Recovery Center (locations below)
- Disaster Recovery Web pages – in English and Spanish including information about SBA’s Disaster Recovery loans.
- SCORE Business Management and Mentoring – Mentors are available to help small businesses with their disaster recovery (no charge for individual and team counseling). Contact Score at or the Ventura County chapter at (805) 204-6022 or
- Small Business Recovery Workshops – Six dates in February in Santa Barbara and Ventura for small businesses to hear from WEV, EDC-VC, and SBA about disaster recovery resources. More information can be found on the above disaster recovery web pages.

Do I Qualify for a Quick Response Loan?
You are eligible to take out a Quick Response Loan if you have had reduced sales or inventory loss due to the Thomas Fire. There is a simple application process and a low 4% interest rate on a loan term of up to 18 months. In order to make the loan as simple as possible, there are interest-only payments for the first three months of the loan and no closing fees.

Where are the Disaster Recovery Center Locations?
Ventura County Credit Union
6026 Telephone Rd
Hours: Mon-Wed 9am-4pm, Thurs-Fri 9am-5pm, Sat 9am-1pm
Open until March 15
For more information please call SBA at (800) 659-2955 or email at

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Support small businesses in recovery and spread this information to those who may need it! If you know of any additional resources comment below.
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