If you’re here you’re probably all about making a difference and doing good in your community. Your passion for your cause is what gets you out of bed in the morning, not the thought of crunching numbers and balancing budgets, right?
This is a common theme for so many businesses and organizations alike. They are so busy taking care of the day-to-day, that when it comes to the financials often the processes are an afterthought – dated and inefficient.
Over the next few posts, we’ll be publishing a series of blogs specifically catered toward the nonprofit sector. We’ll be sharing common struggles that come with running a nonprofit, and give some strategies to overcome them. Our hope is that you gain some insight into what your organization is doing well, and possibly what steps could be taken to start to understand the story that your numbers are trying to tell you.
Here are the topics we’ll cover. Bookmark this page to easily return and stay updated as we go along!
Transparency Builds Trust
Audit Support
Budgets & Board Meetings
Finding Quality Hires
Stuck In The Past
You Don’t Know What You Don’t Know
Trail of Accounting – From Transaction to CFO
Strategic Decision Making & Effective Resource Management
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